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  • Vens Oil Dispersant Spray System | Oilskimmers

    VENS OIL DISPERSANT SPRAY SYSTEM The Vens spray range of oil dispersant spray systems are suitable for operation on land, from inshore and offshore vessels; including tugs, supply v essels and workboats. Vens spray systems are portable and can be operated from almost any “vessel of opportunity”. Vens spray systems are compatible with Spray Arms and Nozzles for the application of neat or dilute dispersant. Also available with Hand Lances for use on small patches of oil or cleaning, on land or inshore. Dispersant dilution level is adjusted by manual flow control valves, and accuracy can be enhanced with the optional dilute flow rate indicator. Vens spray systems can be supplied with a wheel kit that mounts to the chassis for improved manoeuvrability. Models The Vens spray range includes three models: • Vens spray 50 - designed for operation from inshore vessels and produces a maximum output of 60 litres per minute. • Vens spray 100 - designed for operation from inshore and offshore vessels and produces a maximum output of 100 litres per minute. • Vens spray 200 - designed for operation from larger offshore vessels and produces a maximum output of 150 litres per minute. Technical Specifications Pump Unit Motor: IP55, 3-Phase Motors for 50Hz or 60Hz power supply Pump: Roller Type Positive Displacement Pipework: Gunmetal & Stainless Steel Baseplate: Powder Coated Mild Steel Valves: Manual Flow Control Valves, Pressure Relief Valve Gauge: Pressure Gauge Application Dev ice Compatible with Spray Arms, Retractable Spray Arms for enclosed bow vessels and Nozzles Dispersant Clearspray is designed for use with any dispersant which has been tested and approved by a recognised authority Documenta tion Clearspray comes complete with 2 operating and maintenance manuals, warranty details and details of worldwide aftersales support.

  • Rope Mop Skimmer | Oilskimmers| Vens Hydroluft| Skimmers| India

    FLOATING ROPE MOP SKIMMER Vens Rope Mop Oil Skimmer recovers floating oils from the surface of water using a rope mop. This floating mop is driven over the surface of the oil by a drive unit which also squeezes the oil out of the rope for recovery. Vens rope mop skimmers use a unique fibrillated polypropylene rope which is oleophilic (attracts oil) to remove the floating oils in a wide range of spill clean-up or industrial applications and have proven their reliability in thousands of applications worldwide. The rope mop system is ideal for recovering oil over small or large areas, in separators or pits, harbors and dams in any climate and in a complete range of viscosities. Download Datasheet FLOATING ROPE

  • FLoating AUto Suction oil skimmer | Oilskimmers

    Skimmer de aceite flotante de succión automática (FLAUS) FLAUS_Model 1 FLAUS_Model 2 FLAUS_Model 3 FLAUS_Model 1 1/3 Los skimmers de succión automática flotante están equipados con una bomba de transferencia de aceite incorporada para aspirar aceite, escoria, etc. Estos están diseñados con bolas/rodillos flotantes para ayudar flotabilidad y se le permite flotar libremente en la superficie del agua. ​ La succión de la bomba está conectada al fondo del embudo. Él la entrega se recoge por encima de la superficie del agua Estos skimmers tienen una capacidad de remoción de aceite de hasta 12 m³/hr. Se proporcionan válvulas de mariposa para controlar la capacidad de extracción. Descargar hoja de datos Material de construcción ​ Embudo y Marco - Inox 304/Inox 316/ Inox 316L Bola/Tambor - PVC/SS 304/ SS 316/ SS 316L Línea de transferencia de aceite: manguera trenzada de PVC/ tubería de PVC/ manguera trenzada de acero inoxidable ​ Bomba de transferencia de aceite ​ Capacidad: 1/2 HP / 1 HP (dependiendo de la tasa de eliminación de aceite) Suministro de energía: 220 V, CA, 50 Hz, monofásico Arrancador - Provisto ​ Aplicaciones ​ Tanques de eliminación de escoria, tanques de eliminación de aceite y Aplicaciones lácteas. ​ Back

  • Disc Oil Skimmers | Vens Hydroluft

    Espumaderas de disco Disco único Vens Orbis Single Disc Buy Discos múltiples Vens Orbis Multi Disc Buy Grooved Type Multi Disk Skimmer Vens Orbis Pro Buy Multi Disc Skimmer Based on IOCL Vens Orbis Pro + Buy Multi Disc Skimmer Based on Aramco Vens Orbis Pro Max Buy

  • Chain Oil Skimmer | Vens Hydroluft | Oil Skimmers | Oil Spill Response |Skimmers

    Skimmers de cadena Un conjunto de dos arreglos paralelos de Cadenas impulsadas por Ruedas dentadas con un motor de engranajes reducidos como motor principal. Las cadenas llevan una batería de brazos de limpiaparabrisas que hacen girar las ruedas dentadas y aseguran el desnatado de la capa superior de contaminantes flotantes y su disposición a una cámara de recolección para drenar. ​ La eliminación continua de contaminantes flotantes reduce significativamente la carga de TSS, DBO y DQO en la planta de tratamiento de efluentes y reduce el costo aguas arriba del tratamiento. Material de construcción ​ Cadenas : MS/SS/Polymer Coated Ruedas dentadas: MS/SS/Revestimiento de polímero Caja de cambios: estándar Motor : Estándar Limpiaparabrisas: SS/teflón Brazo del limpiaparabrisas : Fabricado en MS/SS Marco: MS/SS Fabricado Rodamientos: Estándar (Acero) Soporta : CI Sujetadores: MS/SS Atrás

  • Trash Skimmers | Oilskimmers | Vens Hydroluft|Trash Cleanup| Water Trash Cleanup

    Trash Skimmers As Per Research Each and Every minute in the World gets dumped by Trashes and Garbages , most of them are dumped through Oceans and Rivers, the equivalent of one full garbage truck of plastic trash is dumped into our oceans. This equals 1,440 trucks per day and in total 8 billion kilos each year. With 80% of those plastics coming directly from polluting the ocean environment in the sea gets affected. by Using Vens Trash Skimmers we can remove these kind of floating trashes that's what our Engineers are working for creating the best Skimmers with an advance level. The improper disposal of solid waste is a major source of water pollution. Solid waste includes garbage, rubbish, electronic waste,trash, and construction and demolition waste, all of which are generated by individual, residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial activities. The problem is especially acute in developing countries that may lack infrastructure to properly dispose of solid waste or that may have inadequate resources or regulation to limit improper disposal. In some places solid waste is intentionally dumped into bodies of water. land pollution can also become water pollution if the trash or other debris is carried by animals, wind, or rainfall to bodies of water. Significant amounts of solid waste pollution in inland bodies of water can also eventually make their way to the ocean. Solid waste pollution is unsightly and damaging to the health of aquatic ecosystems and can harm wildlife directly. Many solid wastes, such as plastics and electronic waste, break down and leach harmful chemicals into the water, making them a source of toxic or hazardous waste. unnamed shutterstock-309809651 Ocean Pollution unnamed 1/8

  • Pneumatic type Floating Drum Oil Skimmer | Oilskimmers

    Accionado neumático Los tambores son impulsados por un motor neumático. El recipiente Skimmer cuenta con 4 puntos de elevación para ayudar a colocarlo en un lugar conveniente. Motor de CC de hp fraccional a 25 W aprox., accionado a través de 3 fases, 415 VCA, 50 Hz El aire presurizado se suministra a través de mangueras neumáticas desde el compresor en la orilla ​ Limpiaparabrisas raspadores especiales limpian el aceite y el aceite se dirige al tanque de recolección en el recipiente. ​ El fondo del tanque está conectado a las mangueras de succión de aceite a través de las cuales se transfiere el aceite a las cámaras de vacío en la orilla. ​ La embarcación también está equipada con bolas de plástico para ayudar a la flotabilidad y mantiene el conjunto flotando. Descargar hoja de datos Rodillo Talla ​ 300 mm de diámetro x 400 mm a 800 mm L (aprox.) Material de construcción ​ Embarcación - FRP/SS304/SS316 Tambor - Oleofílico (Polímero/SS304/SS316) Rascador - Teflón (PTFE) Tubo colector de aceite - Manguera de goma/trenzada de PVC flexible ​ ​ Back

  • Floating Funnel Roof Top Oil Skimmer | Oilskimmers

    SKIMMER DE ACEITE DE TECHO CON EMBUDO FLOTANTE Untitled design (6) Floating Roof Top Oil Skimmer Untitled design (6) 1/2 El desnatador de aceite de techo de embudo flotante es un modelo especializado de desnatado de aceite que se adjunta con el techo móvil del tanque. Se proporcionan ajustes de flotación para ajustar el embudo según el nivel de aceite flotante. El skimmer de embudo está conectado con mangueras trenzadas flexibles que se instalan en forma de espiral dentro del tanque. Esta disposición en espiral hace que el juego de mangueras trenzadas se pliegue y se expanda. El otro extremo de la manguera trenzada está conectado con la salida de recolección de aceite en la parte inferior del tanque. Tasa de eliminación de aceite ​ 5000 l/h a 20000 l/h Material de construcción ​ Embudo: SS 304/SS 316 Manguera trenzada de transferencia de aceite: PVC/SS 304/SS 316 Estructura: acero inoxidable 304/acero inoxidable 316 Back

  • Boom Reels & Accessories | Oilskimmers

    BOOM REELS & ACCESSORIES Boom Reels Boom reels may be hydraulic or manually operated and are suitable for both inflatable boom and some models of foam flotation boom. Boom reel will be provided with weather cover and lifting sling. Boom reel will be provided with weather cover and lifting sling. Boom reels are manufactured in steel and finished with Marine Grade high quality epoxy paint system. The reel is powered by a hydraulic motor with a gearbox placed at the bottom frame. The rotating power to the drum is transferred by a roller chain. Boom Reels & Accessories 1. Boom Reel 2. Tow Set 3. Hose Set 4. Power Pack Back

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